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"the chaotic-good's illegal arms dealer of choice since 1999!"

A 3D model of an yellow, rounded-rectangular emergency buzzer; notable features include a large red button on the top right, a dark red sign with the word "Help," in both the Latin and Braille alphabet, embossed in metal below the red button, a barred spea

*Buzz* yourself in!


Click on any of the labelled models to enter another page!

An isometric portrait of Wilhelm. It wears a thick, woolen light-blue turtleneck, overalls that have been dyed black, black rubber boots under its knees, and, most glaringly, a cardboard box. This cardboard box has been taped close at the top, a medicine "

bio + general information

A 3D model of a potato that has had a "core" - a square plate of bluish-gray lead with a red square light in the middle - strapped onto it with a thick band dark-brownish cured rubber.

Model gallery

A 3D model of an opaque, dark-greenish bottle of an unidentified alcoholic beverage, with a low-resolution logo of a rose on its side.

atrocious kinlist

A 3D model of what appears to be an archaic speaker-receiver phone model, improvised using a rusty copper pipe, canvas wrapping, and a steel-wire phone-cord.



The founder and dictator of the customarium!

Name: Stig Tatum
Gender: No
Pronouns: Any/All (Preference for She/Her and It/Its)
Interests: Engineering (Mechanical), 3D Modeling, Geopolitics, World History, Minecraft mods
Political Affliation: Anarcho-Communist
Bart Gummie Confederation:
- Mason (@mason_flare)
Chancellor of the BGC; very knowledgeable!
- Fishstick (@maidzedaph)
Commander of the Bart Gummie Federation and architectural expert; a naturally funny person!
- Swamo (@b0gdweller, with a zero)
Chrundle (/krundl/) Republic:
Ash (@ash2dusty)
President of chrundia; a meek little guy, but very talkative and fun to talk to!
Coco (@destemp0, with a zero)
Vice president; #1 Clone high fan!
Kennedy (@tuef0rt, with a zero)
Vice Vice President; has been consolidating power to become the #1 Clone High fan (moving up from the #1.14159 Clone High Fan).
Eyeball Dominion:
Misha/Mikhail (@intiimacy_)
Prime Minister: very sweet and kind!
Willow (no applicable twitter handle)
Lord of the Eyeball Dominion; a very good partner to Mikhail, I've heard!
Tokia/Solly (@skeletoby)
Current emperor and leader of vivitanica in exile (y'know, because of the revolution and all); an exuberant, artistic, and one-of-a-kind fella' that I love (platonically)!
Unaffiliated Veramanic Republics:
(They are not all vera, I am simply referencing the Germanic tribes of antiquity to go with the Roman Empire inspiration of Vivitanica!)
Vera (@superbsoups)
World-renowed statesman and diplomat; caring and compassionate, vees a real stand-up apparition!
Kirk (@kirkandroll)
Certified starship operator; a real enthusiast of the best of 50's and 60's Sci-Fi (all of the other ones were just urban legends), love him (platonically)!
Hnorf Hnorf (@hnorfhnorfREAL)
Local artisan; an imaginative concept designer that I admire! Top tier ally of vivitanica!
Mango (@mangoescan)
Traveling merchant of artwork; a creative, calming mind; cooler talking heads prevail!
Louis (@lookingforout)
Nutrition expert (don't starve together reference); increidble artistic skill!
[Apologies if I have missed anyone!]
Signaminium Soviet

Another image of Wilhelm.

"Biggering (Demo)" - The Lorax (UNUSED)

KINL- oh you've got to be kidding me.

[Sample text, or something] [Look, let's just get this over with, alright?]

- The Lorax (1971 book & 1972 Television special versions, but not the 2012 movie iteration of it)
- The Lich (Adventure Time)
- Gaster (Undertale + Deltarune(?))
- Runner (Run 1-3)
- Gentleman (Run 1-3)
- Turret (Portal 1-2)
- SCP-079 (S.C.P. Foundation)
- The Mimic (FNaF Security Breach: RUIN DLC)
- M.X.E.S. / The Entity (FNaF Security Breach: RUIN DLC)
- DARIA (Daria)


A thin, rounded cube coloured a dark shade of blue with a white "T" in the middle. The "end" of the T is curled to the right. The top right corner of the cross is rounded into a slope.
A thin, lavender-coloured cube with a logo that resembles a wide, squat oval if it were given two arms - both of which curling inwards with a small berth given from the main oval - and two horns protruding upwards on its sides. User: enigmaticcomba1